Cricketfield Surgery

Cricketfield Road, Newton Abbot, TQ12 2AS

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New Patients

The doctors welcome new patients who live within our practice area. When you register you will be allocated a named GP who will be responsible for the co-ordination of your care.  However, you are able to choose to see any of the doctors when making an appointment. We try to accommodate your choice, but please be aware that our doctors do not work every day of the week.

New patients are asked to complete a thorough questionnaire to advise the doctor of their medical history.  If you are on any regular medication you may be asked to make an appointment to discuss this with a doctor. This is also a good time to ask for help with any particular medical, social or psychological difficulty.

Your medical records from your previous GP Surgery will be requested and transferred to us but this can take several weeks. However, medical treatment is available from about 2 weeks after we receive your completed registration form.

Please contact our Patient Services Team for further information, either by calling our main number 01626 208020 or dropping into the surgery and asking our Reception staff. They will also be able to provide you with a hard copy registration form to fill in.

You can also complete the form by clicking on the relevant link below and either printing off to drop in or post to us.

We have three registration forms to ensure we are collecting the right information for the age group. Those aged over 13 are usually deemed able to manage their healthcare themselves, unless a GP determines they are not competent to do so. A parent or guardian may help complete the form but it must be signed by the patient and if they want a parent or guardian to assist with their healthcare then the additional Third Party Consent form must be completed as well. They do have the right to manage their healthcare themselves though and do not have to agree to Third Party Consent. They may also opt for anyone granted Third Party Access to be removed from having access to their records at any time.

New Patient Registration Form – Adults

New Patient Registration Form – Children aged 13+

New Patient Registration Form – Children aged under 13


Please note it is preferable for us to see ID when you register with us but it is not essential, unless you want online access. You can download the NHS App to gain online access as it is quick and easy to photograph your ID for the system to read and approve. If you want us to set you up with online access you will have complete the additional registration form below and provide ID to ensure we are giving access to your confidential medical records appropriately. The list of acceptable ID is on the Patient Registration Forms.

Supplementary Documents you may require;

Online Access Registration Form

Online Access Registration Form – Third Party Access

The shaded area on the map below details the area covered by the practice.

If you live outside of this area please contact us to see if it is appropriate for us to support your medical care as services may be more limited, such as Home Visits which are not possible out of area.

NHS A-Z Conditions
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