Cricketfield Surgery

Cricketfield Road, Newton Abbot, TQ12 2AS

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Totnes Dragon Boat Race 2019

Posted on July 8th, 2019

Totnes Dragon Boat Race 2019

Sunday 14th July

Cricketfield Surgery are entered in to the Totnes Dragon Boat Race, our team will be up against other local GP surgeries and organisations in a fun and energetic competition. We need to raise funds to cover the entrance fees which are then donated to the Totnes Rotary Club’s chosen charities, this includes Rowcroft Hospice. Any money raised over these fees Cricketfield Surgery will donate directly to Rowcroft Hospice so please sponsor us using the forms in the surgery. Sponsorship fees can be paid to the surgery in cash or cheque made payable to ‘Cricketfield Surgery’. All monies need to be in by Friday 12th July.

It will also be a fun day out so please come along and support us!

Visit for more details

Sponsor forms are available at Reception for you to complete and make a donation. 

Thank you!

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