Cricketfield Surgery

Cricketfield Road, Newton Abbot, TQ12 2AS

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Dress Down Day

Posted on May 15th, 2020

On Monday 18th May we are raising money for Troop Aid 

Both the Cricketfield and the Albany  Teams are having a “Dress Down Day” where everyone will come in non-uniform (where possible) and donate the money raised to our selected charity, Troop Aid.

Why we have chosen Troop Aid…

They raise money to make up GRAB BAGS for service personnel that are injured. Either on training exercise or in combat operations they are admitted to hospital without any of their personal effects or clothing. 

It costs £30.00 to make up a GRAB BAG, enabling wounded servicemen and women to walk off the plane or arrive at a hospital bed with dignity at a time of personal crisis.

GRAB BAGS are distributed over 27 locations worldwide.

On the 8th of May we celebrated VE Day which is Victory in Europe Day. Which is a day we pay tribute to the service and sacrifice of the entire Second World War generation. It marks the day towards the end of WW2 when fighting against Nazi Germany came to an end. 

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