Cricketfield Surgery

Cricketfield Road, Newton Abbot, TQ12 2AS

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Access to Medical Records

From October 31st 2023 patients will be able to have full access to view their medical records online via the NHS App or website, from this date onwards, or the date after this that they set up their NHS Account. It will not provide historic information to that level, prior to this date.

If after this date, you login to your NHS account and you cannot see your full medical record and you would like to have full access then please contact the surgery by emailing us with your query to

This is a national initiative that the Practice needs to comply with but there are certain patients where having access to their full medical record is not appropriate or safe, so we are required to be cautious with granting automatic access. We would also recommend that if you do have an NHS account you keep your login information private and do not let anyone else access or view your medical information.

If you are a parent or carer and would like proxy access to view medical records of those you care for then please contact us by email to request this be considered, or pop into the surgery to ask the front desk to submit this request for you.

If you do not wish to have full access to your medical record, please inform us of this by email or in writing. We will then code your medical record accordingly. You have the right to do this at any time.

If you do have full access to your medical record we hope you will appreciate that it may be difficult to understand the medical terminology and acronyms. Please only contact us to ask for clarity or corrections if you think there is an error on your medical record.

Certain information that can come on to your health record may be from Secondary Care or other external health and social care agencies. The Practice will not usually make these viewable on your medical record as it is not our data to share and there can be a delay from when it gets on to our system and a clinician has the opportunity to view it and make contact with a patient to support them with understanding the content of the document. It also may be the responsibility of Secondary Care or other external service to communicate with the patient directly.

If you would like to view your medical record online, and don’t already have an account, please use this link to get started:

Log in – NHS App Online (



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