
Cricketfield Surgery is keen to assist with medical research and our Nurse Manager works closely with the National Institute for Health Research through their South West Peninsular group to identify research that will potentially benefit our patients. Sometimes we can assist with research simply by providing statistical data from our surgery but at times we can identify patients who can participate in a clinical study or research project. If we feel you can be part of a research project then you may be approached by the administration team at the Surgery, by our Nurse Manager directly or it may be discussed with you during a GP consultation or Nurse appointment. There is no obligation to participate but if you do decide to be involved then you will be fully supported throughout the process.

For more information on the National Institute for Health Research please click on the link below

Details of current research projects will be updated in this section of our website, on our TV Screens and notice boards in the Surgery as well as on social media.

Please review our Privacy Notice in regards to research and your data.